Great interest in Nilpeter’s new presses at LabelExpo Europe 2017
This year, we took advantage of the opportunity to present our visions for modernised flexo printing alongside digital hybrid InkJet with the All New FA and PANORAMA Hybrid presses, and the response was great.

“LabelExpo Europe was great. We especially enjoyed the first three days -the Nilpeter stand was packed, we saw a lot of interest in our new product offerings, closed some big deals, and picked up a lot of interesting leads. Our main takeaway is that the industry is in full “investment mode”, which provides us with a lot of opportunities, and we are very excited for the future. Going forward, we think the usual Tuesday – Friday event is more beneficial with regards to logistics,” says Jakob Landberg, Sales & Marketing Director, Nilpeter A/S.”

Paul Teachout, VP of Sales & Marketing, Nilpeter USA, presented the Nilpeter presses to the visitors five times per day.

The Nilpeter stand was packed with visitors from all around the world.