The FTA forum embraces today’s hottest topics and trends, and which is the official theme of 2017 event: Trending Now.
INFO*FLEX organised by the Flexographic Technical Association (FTA) is one of the largest annual gatherings for the package printing and converting industry in the USA – the #1 Education & Networking Event of the Year.
The expectations toward this event are many. INFO*FLEX is known for being an opportunity to tap into the power of a smart, forward-thinking global community that will drive your business forward. More than 2,000 trendsetters, representing every segment of the supply chain will be there.
All four days in Phoenix are overflowing with exciting opportunities to learn, network and discover what is trending now in the package printing and converting industry.
Forum Chair Paul Teachout, VP of Sales & Marketing Nilpeter USA
Program development is being led by Forum Chairs, Paul Teachout, Nilpeter, and Bob Coomes, Plastic Packaging Technologies. Abstract review, speaker selection and session format determination is underway. The ultimate objective: build a stellar educational agenda of what’s trending now for launch in April 2017.
FTA 2017 Forum Chair Paul Teachout says:
“The FTA Forum starts next week and I have the privilege of being the 2017 Chairperson. I have been involved with the FTA for 25+ years and it is one of our teir 1 organizations. The InfoFlex show that runs with the forum is our largest event of the year and we will have a booth with all our products displayed. Our Digital Product Manager Keith Nagle and our Technology Manager Chris Baldwin are also involved as session chairs. Nilpeter is fully engaged in this event and we should have a very strong showing.”
Paul Teachout joined Nilpeter back in 2014 as Vice President of Sales and Marketing for USA Inc. With over 30 years of combined market experience, Teachout brought extensive industry knowledge to the Nilpeter team. Teachout have a complete oversight of the strategic direction, expansion, and operation of all North American sales and marketing activities.