RAQAM International Labels & Ribbons Factory wins gold with Nilpeter MO-3300S
This year, the 7th edition of the Dubai International Print Award (DIPA), honouring talent, innovation, and excellence in their regional printing industry, had this year received a record number of entries from eight countries.
RAQAM International was awarded the Gold Award for Best Print of Narrow Web Flexo Print. They were picked from among 400 entries by an international judging panel.
Innovation is KeyKhalid Aziz Shah goes on to explain that usually it is very hard to achieve a fine dot with flexo, especially in highlight printing, but with the MO-3300S RAQAM International found the best solution for obtaining fine dots from 0-100%, and the press has given the company access to markets for more sophisticated and embellished labels, without increasing printing costs. “We always welcome innovation, new techniques and new technologies, and in that aspect, we rely on Nilpeter as our press supplier. Within short, we will add a Nilpeter CASLON Digital InkJet Press to our production”, Khalid Aziz Shah concludes.