Thai: Liberty Marking Systems installs their second Nilpeter press in 18 months
Liberty Marking Systems of Cincinnati, OH have recently installed their second Nilpeter flexo press, an FB-3300S, just 18 months after purchasing their first FB-3300.
Custom labels and innovative solutionsEstablished in 1988, Liberty Marking Systems is a privately owned company located in Cincinnati, OH, USA. Specialising in custom labels and innovative solutions for all labeling needs, Liberty Marking Systems has earned a reputation as a “company you can count on” with customers and partners around the labeling industry.
Doubling their capacity“After breaking ground on our 8,000 sq. ft. warehouse expansion in May, we decided it was as good a time as any to add another press to our line up,” says Brian Beam, Vice President of Liberty Marking Systems. “Nilpeter is an industry leader, which we experienced firsthand less than 2 years ago when we purchased our first FB-3300, and we didn”t hesitate in bringing them back in as we considered adding an 8-color FB-3300S,” he adds.

Liberty Marking Systems Vice President Brian Beam (right), and Production Manager Stan Berger (left), with their new Nilpeter FB-3300S flexo press.
“This press will double our previous maximum capability of multi-color printing and will allow us to become more prominent in the prime and retail labeling markets. We couldn”t ask for a better, more supportive partner than Nilpeter, and they have continued to offer their assistance as we become accustomed with the press and its features. An investment such as this can be a difficult one, but Nilpeter’s quality and service made it just the opposite for us, and we couldn”t be more satisfied with our decision,” Brian Beams concludes.
Proud to partner up“We are very proud to be selected as the supplier of choice for Liberty Marking Systems. Our partnership continues to strengthen with their growth. The installation of the two FB-3300 presses will provide long-term stability for their production operation. The FB-Line presses are real workhorses, and we have surpassed 1,000 installations worldwide – a testament to their ability. This is indeed a perfect fit for Liberty Marking Systems growth and production needs,” says Tom Strunk, Midwest Regional Sales Engineer, Nilpeter USA.