Thai: Narrow-web flexpack expert takes second FA-4*
UK converter Labelsunlimited confirmed an order for its second Nilpeter FA-4* flexo press at LabelExpo Europe 2015 as the company prepares a move into an expanded factory space next year. The press joins an existing FA-4* and a Nilpeter FB-3300.
Labelsunlimited managing director Marc Bradley said, “Labelsunlimited has seen increasing growth in our flexible packaging market, and combined with our move into new premises in March 2016, we have just ordered our second FA-4*. This is a 9-colour build and will be a dedicated filmic press”.
“The decision to order another FA-4* was simple, after the way the first FA-4* has performed for us. The press is incredibly accurate in terms of print, and the way that the press just simply handles all of our substrate requirements is remarkable. The press is highly efficient on quick changeover short run work, but is then also extremely stable on longer running work – so all in all a brilliant press for our business model”, Marc Bradley concludes.