Thai: Sai Com Codes Flexoprint opens second plant
Sai Com Codes Flexoprint, headquartered in Sonepat near Delhi, opens new plant, covering an area of 15,000 sq ft. Production is expected to start by the end of November with a 13″, 10-colour Nilpeter flexo press. Labels&Labeling reports.
Harish Gupta, Sai Com Codes Flexoprint CEO, said, “We intend to supplement the first press with a second one before the end of this financial year. Our policy is to be as close to our customers as possible and it is also our belief that to ensure continued growth, we have to add capacity and value for our customers. We have to grab the opportunity to grow with them and that is only possible when we set up our plants closer to their new ones to be able to match their just in time requirement.”
There is an option to double the plant capacity in the future. Another similar press from Nilpeter will be shipped to the new plant in January.
The first plant in Sonepat houses four 13″ Nilpeter servo presses running at an average production speed of approximately 120 m/min. The plant has the provision to add two more flexo presses in the existing space in Sonepat. “However, this shall depend on investment considerations keeping in mind our new plants,” said Gupta.
Reasoning on installing only Nilpeter presses at both its plants, Gupta commented, “We do not try to experiment with our established suppliers unless there is a compelling reason for doing the same. Once our mother plant is based on this model, it becomes easy for us to replicate the same model on a “cut and paste” basis. In terms of presses, we are a Nilpeter house and the same press is going to be installed at our new plant.”
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